Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Diet helps to have a male-John Barban

Showed a recent British study that a diet rich in fat boosts from giving birth to a male, and the system rich in fruits and vegetables helps women to give birth to baby boomers females rather than males where you play the diet in early pregnancy plays an important role in determining the sex of the baby as the meals integrated and follow the high-fat diet helps in giving birth to a male, and quite the contrary,
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the diet based on fruit and fiber and less fat and eating spaced at intervals of help in giving birth to females.
The Daily Mail quoted the British Dutch researchers that a diet rich in nutrient-rich in calcium and magnesium, such as vegetables and fruit in the weeks leading up to the period of ovulation promotes the opportunity to have a female.

The study included 172 pairs to 358 and have a son and two daughters just want to give birth to girls where sired 81% of them female followers after the diet.

It turns out that a diet rich in potassium and sodium such as bananas and potatoes may help women to give birth to a male despite the fact that it has not been tested yet.

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