Wednesday, 26 February 2014

New benefits for the poor tomato fruit

The scientific research world published during the months of January and February, this confirmed that the tomato source rich in lycopene is responsible for the color of tomatoes, known scientifically as the "elixir of youth", which is a counter- natural antioxidant powers in effect prevents the accumulation of free radicals formed during metabolic processes and lead to destruction of the cells of the body as well as to protect it from cancer and strengthen the functions of the nerves.
Venus Factor Review
In a statement to the news agency, the tomatoes are all the benefits of an immune "her heart and peel and juice," and that by 6 antioxidants, and raises peel immune significantly, in addition to lycopene benefit the skin where protecting it from the harmful influence of the sun's rays and protects the human body the incidence of tumors, according to the heart and lift the immunity in addition to its role in increasing the cohesion of skin cells, delaying the appearance of wrinkles and aging makes tomatoes from powerful anti-aging.

Research confirmed that unlike other nutrients that impair or less useful for cooking or heating of the cooking tomatoes increases the effectiveness of lycopene and the body's ability to absorb, which indicates the presence of the same material density in tomato sauce.

lycopene protects against cancers and reduces the incidence of heart disease in families with a high intake of tomatoes, counseled by ensuring the presence of tomato fruit at all meals or use the sauce or the like for their impact in maintaining the elasticity of the lungs and reduce asthma attacks, especially with the effort or the sport and reduce inflammation allergic sensitivity associated with bronchitis in addition to reducing the side effects of chemotherapy for cancer.

Kidney patients are advised to take exercise caution when excessive intake of tomatoes, pointing out that the cancer may occur in spite of eating tomatoes in abundance for adoption on the genetic history of the family and lifestyle in terms of meals and physical exercise effort.

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