Tuesday 25 February 2014

How do I get rid of usually eat dessert?

Accept a lot of the ladies on the dessert continuously, despite serious attempts to get rid of this habit, but that does not work The body need sugar in order to feed off, so we will give you these health solutions that will help you forget the candy;
John Barban
asserted "the German Association for the Protection of Consumer "that can reduce hungered toward candy by resorting to some healthier alternatives, like a lot of water and unsweetened tea with sugar.

As an alternative, chocolate ice cream, cola, German Society recommended eating fresh fruits and vegetables’, saying it is better to eat five servings of which are distributed throughout the day.

In the case of feeling a strong desire to eat candy, chewing gum Society advises sugar-free, pointing to the possibility of eating nuts as foods of poor sugar.

Nuts can enjoy the benefits of many health thanks to the content of nutrients task such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin "e" and "B1" and "B2" and "6" along with a few contain sugar,
but they contain large amounts calories. And hit the Assembly as an example that the 100 grams of walnuts contains almost 600 calories, which is equivalent to a quarter of the rate of calories needed per adult per day almost.

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